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Official Memories: The Wit and Wisdom of Basketball Coaches | Latest Updates on News, Sports, and Job Opportunities

During his tenure as the EVENING OBSERVER sports editor in the early 1970s, Bill Hammond spent countless hours on the phone with high school coaches in the area. Among them, basketball coaches stood out as the most entertaining group. These coaches were not only highly intelligent motivators and communicators but also possessed a wicked sense of humor. They could vividly recall plays, provide detailed statistics, and offer valuable insights for crafting game stories, win or lose.

One of Hammond’s favorite coaches was Bob Uszacki, who humorously introduced himself as „Dunkirk’s own Bob Uszacki“ every time he called. Other notable coaches included Jeff Franze, John Murgatroyd, Tom Herring, Rick Anderson, Mike Cummings, Mike Tramuta, Roger Moore, Al Carpenter, Jim Emerson, Dick Girst, and Curt Raymond. Each coach brought their unique personality and coaching style to the table, making interactions with them both memorable and enjoyable.

After six years as a sports editor, Hammond decided to try his hand at refereeing basketball games. Under the guidance of legendary local officiating Board 39 interpreter Roger MacTavish, Hammond completed a rigorous course that included classes at Jamestown Community College. MacTavish, a respected figure in the officiating community, played a pivotal role in Hammond’s training and development as a basketball referee.

As Hammond transitioned from covering games as a sports editor to officiating them as a referee, he found that coaches were not always quick to dole out compliments. Even when they did, it often came with a humorous twist or a touch of sarcasm. Coaches like Curt Raymond, known for his volatile personality and clashes with officials, had a knack for delivering backhanded compliments that left Hammond both amused and appreciative.

Throughout his officiating career, Hammond encountered various memorable moments with coaches like Dick Prince and Mike Mangano. These interactions showcased the wit, humor, and unique personalities of the coaches he had come to know and respect over the years. Despite the occasional challenges and confrontations, Hammond cherished the relationships he built with these coaches and the valuable lessons he learned from them.

In conclusion, Bill Hammond’s experiences as a sports editor and basketball referee provided him with a unique perspective on the world of high school sports and the dedicated individuals who shape it. The coaches he interacted with, with their intelligence, humor, and passion for the game, left a lasting impression on him. Through their colorful personalities and memorable interactions, these coaches added a layer of excitement and entertainment to Hammond’s career in sports journalism and officiating.


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