StartTennisOlympic gold medal sparks increase in tennis enthusiasm

Olympic gold medal sparks increase in tennis enthusiasm

The recent success of Chinese athletes at the Paris Olympics has not only made headlines but has also sparked a newfound interest in tennis across the country. With players like Zheng Qinwen and Wang Xinyu making history by clinching gold and silver medals, respectively, Chinese tennis has been put in the spotlight like never before.

One of the immediate impacts of these dazzling performances has been the surge in demand for tennis courts in major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. Jin Xin, who oversees bookings for outdoor tennis courts at the National Olympic Sports Center in Beijing, noted that people have been booking courts well in advance to play or practice during peak hours. This increased interest in tennis has led to more people incorporating the sport into their daily routines, with many taking up beginners‘ lessons to improve their skills.

The success of Chinese tennis players at the Paris Olympics has not only inspired seasoned players but has also captured the attention of children and young people. Jin Xin mentioned that the number of youngsters learning the sport has significantly increased in recent years, indicating a promising future for tennis in China. With role models like Zheng Qinwen and Wang Xinyu to look up to, aspiring tennis players now have local heroes to emulate and aspire towards.

The impact of the Chinese athletes‘ performances is not limited to just the players themselves but extends to the entire tennis industry in China. Jin Xin believes that the success of Chinese tennis players will further boost the development of the sport in the country, leading to increased competition among tennis facilities and training programs. This growth in infrastructure and resources will undoubtedly benefit both seasoned players and newcomers looking to hone their skills on the court.

As China celebrates its 16th National Fitness Day, the enthusiasm for tennis is at an all-time high, thanks to the recent achievements of Chinese players at the Paris Olympics. The National Olympic Sports Center in Beijing is opening its outdoor tennis courts to the public for free, allowing more people to experience the sport firsthand and potentially discover a new passion for tennis.

According to a report by the International Tennis Federation, China ranked second globally in tennis participation in 2021, with nearly 20 million participants. This number is expected to continue rising, fueled by the growing interest in tennis following the success of Chinese athletes on the international stage. E-commerce platforms like Meituan have also reported a significant increase in the sale of tennis experience classes and training packages, indicating a rising demand for tennis-related activities.

For young players like Liu Ziyang, the success of Chinese tennis stars has been a source of inspiration and motivation. Watching Zheng Qinwen and Wang Xinyu make history at the Paris Olympics has shown him that achieving success in tennis is within reach for Chinese players. With the continued growth of tennis in China and the emergence of new talents, the future of Chinese tennis looks brighter than ever before.


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