StartVolleyballRacist graffiti defaces mural honoring Black Italian volleyball star Paola Egonu

Racist graffiti defaces mural honoring Black Italian volleyball star Paola Egonu

Rome, the eternal city, known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture, has recently been in the spotlight for a disturbing incident of racism targeting Italian volleyball player Paola Egonu. Egonu, a talented athlete of Nigerian heritage, has faced racial abuse in the past, leading her to step down from the national volleyball team. Despite her achievements and contributions to Italian sports, she continues to be a target of discrimination.

The recent incident occurred after Egonu’s return to the national team and her outstanding performance in winning a gold medal in women’s volleyball. A mural by Italian street artist Laika was unveiled in Rome to celebrate Egonu’s success and denounce racism, hate, xenophobia, and ignorance. The mural, titled „Italian-ness,“ depicted Egonu in action, spiking a volleyball with a powerful message against discrimination. However, within 24 hours, the mural was defaced, with her skin painted over in pink and the anti-hate message erased.

This act of vandalism sparked outrage and condemnation from various individuals, including Rome’s mayor, Roberto Gualtieri, who described it as intolerable and insulting to Egonu and the artist. Italy’s tourism minister, Daniela Santanchè, and foreign minister, Antonio Tajani, also expressed their disapproval of the racist act and emphasized the importance of denouncing and fighting against all forms of discrimination.

Unfortunately, Italy has a history of racism in sports, with incidents involving soccer teams and fans making headlines in the past. From monkey noises directed at players to controversial anti-racism campaigns, the issue of discrimination in sports remains a significant challenge in the country. The recent incident involving Egonu serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle against racism and the importance of promoting inclusivity and diversity in sports and society.

Despite the initial act of vandalism, a positive turn of events occurred when a passerby repainted the mural, restoring Egonu’s image and covering up the racist comments with a powerful message: „racism stop.“ This act of solidarity and support highlights the resilience and determination to combat racism and promote unity and acceptance in the community.

In conclusion, the incident involving Paola Egonu and the defaced mural in Rome shed light on the persistent issue of racism and discrimination in society. It serves as a call to action for individuals and communities to stand against hate and prejudice, and to embrace diversity and inclusion. Rome, a city with a rich history of overcoming challenges, has the opportunity to lead by example in promoting unity and respect for all individuals, regardless of their background or heritage.


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