StartTable TennisStrengthening Ties Between China and Africa Through Shared Athletic Pursuits: From Grassroots...

Strengthening Ties Between China and Africa Through Shared Athletic Pursuits: From Grassroots Fitness Parks to International Competition Venues

Friendly exchanges between China and Africa have a long history, with deepening ties in recent years across various fields such as politics, the economy, and culture. The Global Times is launching a China-Africa Rhapsody series to highlight the profound human connections and development visions between the two peoples. This series aims to share the true stories of Chinese people in Africa and African people in China, showcasing touching stories of cooperation, exciting collisions of youthful ideas, and debunking fallacies about China-Africa collaboration perpetuated by some Western sources. Through this series, the goal is to promote closer cooperation and deeper understanding between the peoples of China and Africa.

In this installment, we delve into the world of sporting arenas, where athletes from China and Africa recently showcased their remarkable talents at the Paris 2024 Olympics. Sports cooperation between China and Africa dates back to the 1950s, with significant achievements in recent years making sports exchanges a vital bridge for cultural exchange and mutual understanding between the Chinese and African peoples.

The China-Africa sports exchanges began in 1957 when the Chinese table tennis team visited Egypt, marking the first Chinese sports delegation to Africa. Since then, sports have played a crucial role in bridging the two regions, with exchanges between Chinese basketball and soccer teams and African counterparts deepening mutual understanding and trust, contributing significantly to the development of China-Africa relations.

In recent years, China has sent coaches for sports like badminton and table tennis to countries like Uruguay and has built or upgraded sports facilities in nations such as Guinea-Bissau. The 2021 White Paper „China and Africa in the New Era: A Partnership of Equals“ highlighted China’s contributions, including building 45 stadiums and 170 schools across Africa since 2000, training over 160,000 professionals. This growing „sports diplomacy“ underscores the importance of cultural exchange and cooperation, enhancing friendship between China and Africa.

One example of China’s impact on sports infrastructure in Africa is the Laurent Pokou Stadium in San Pedro, Cote d’Ivoire, built by the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC). The stadium, with a seating capacity of over 20,000, has become a local landmark, incorporating local cultural elements into its construction. The CCECC’s efforts have not only met the local demand for sports facilities but also spurred the development of surrounding infrastructure, significantly enhancing the city’s image.

In the field of table tennis, more African players are benefiting from China’s assistance and support, traveling to China for training alongside their Chinese peers. Players like Nasri Malissa from Algeria have shared their success stories of receiving training in China, leading to significant achievements in international competitions. The China Table Tennis College (CTTC) in Shanghai has become a hub for international players seeking high-level coaching and training opportunities.

Moreover, sports are not just for professional athletes but for everyone. Chinese companies have built fitness parks across Africa, providing locals with accessible and enjoyable spaces for exercise. These facilities, like the Dakar Seaside Fitness Park and Kaolack Fitness Park in Senegal, have become popular spots for daily exercise, enriching the lives of local residents and strengthening the bond between China and Senegal.

In recent years, Chinese civil organizations have actively engaged in sports exchanges under frameworks like the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), BRICS, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Private companies like StarTimes have expanded sports content in Africa, investing in broadcasting rights for various sports events and building high-definition sports channels to cater to audiences in sub-Saharan Africa.

Overall, sports exchanges between China and Africa have not only fostered mutual understanding and trust but have also contributed to the development of sports infrastructure, talent, and cultural exchange between the two regions. Through initiatives like the China-Africa Rhapsody series, the aim is to further promote cooperation and deepen understanding between the peoples of China and Africa, building a stronger foundation for future collaborations.


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